Multi-Gen Australian Labradoodle
Born: October 15, 2020
Color: Chocolate and white parti, sp/sp
Coat: Wavy fleece
Estimated size: 17" and 27 lbs. (Small)
Health Clearance: PPG DNA profile, PPG disease panel clear, Clear by parentage furnishings, IC clear, OFA eye clear, OFA cardiac normal, OFA Dentition normal, OFA patella normal, OFA Hips Good
WALA Registration: WALA00060582
Sire: Mountain Sky Navajo Warrior Killchii
Dame: Milehigh Van's Brown Eyed Girl
Tessa lives with her guardian family in Boise. She is a social sweetheart that loves to make friends with every person and every dog she meets. She also loves her downtime where she can just sit on your lap and fall asleep as you both watch a movie together. She has the biggest heart and we are so excited to have her as a new addition to our program!